Saturday, 27 June 2015

How to access a Certain Drive using Command prompt (CMD)

Command Prompt
Now you are working on the 'C:' drive. If you need to go to a specific folder from this drive just type CD DIRECTORYNAME. The subdirectory names are separated by \. For example when you need to access the System32 folder that is located on 'C:\Windows' just type cd windows\system32\, as shown below, and then press Enter.
Command Prompt
When you need to go to one folder up, use the cd.. command. Let's assume that you want to go back to the Windows folder. Type cd.. and press Enter. You will notice that your current directory has changed to 'C:\Windows'.
Command Prompt

How to Access a Certain Drive

To access another drive just type the drive letter followed by ':'. For example, we wanted to change the drive from 'C:' to 'D:'. We have typed d: and then pressed Enter.
Command Prompt
To change the drive and the directory at the same time, use the cd command followed by the/d switch. The parameter is used to change the current drive to a specific folder from other partition. For example, now you are on the 'D:' drive and you want to go back to the 'C:'drive directly to the Windows folder. Type cd/d C:\Windows and press Enter, as you can see in the following image.
Command Prompt
Command PromptNote: By typing the drive letter you automatically move to your most recent location in that drive. For example if you are on 'd:' drive and type cd c:\windows nothing happen. But, if you type 'c:' then the working will change to c:\windows (assuming that it was the last directory you worked with on c: drive).

How to View the Content of a Folder

You can view the content of a folder by using a simple command called DIR. To test, we've created on the 'd:' drive a folder named 7tutorials with several files and subfolders.
For more information please check the below links :

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